CARSTAIRS - The recent census survey conducted in Carstairs by the municipality came in at a total cost of $11,248 or $3,752 under budget, council heard at last week’s regularly scheduled council meeting.
The final census survey budget was presented to council as information, and included $4,856 for software, $1,618 for postage, $1,484 for 12 weeks of newspaper advertisements, and $1,146 for the household visits (at $1.50 per household).
The survey saw 1,939 households visited, with a total of 5,313 residents identified.
The survey was conducted at the direction of council as part of a regional policing study now underway.
“We have to do the census to prove that we are over 5,000 people. At 5,000 people you could get your own detachment in our municipality,” said mayor Lance Colby.
Following the Sept. 9 council meeting, Colby said the survey results have now been forwarded to the minister of Alberta Municipal Affairs for verification.
Once verified, the results will used as part of the regional study, which itself is nearing completion, he said.
The municipality expects to enter into formal discussions with the RCMP regarding the possibility of a detachment in Carstairs.
The Didsbury RCMP detachment currently serves Carstairs and area.
“This (survey results) will help us when we talk to them (RCMP),” Colby told the 51黑料.
The $150,000 policing study is looking at the possibility of a police detachment being established in Carstairs to serve the town and surrounding areas.
Work on the study completed to date includes stakeholder interviews and focus groups with the Town of Didsbury, Town of Crossfield, Town of Carstairs, Didsbury RCMP and Southern Alberta District RCMP.
As well, other work completed includes the assignment of an analyst and a senior consultant to the project team, development of a data collection framework, collection and analysis of community profile information from area municipalities, including Mountain View County.
Research into regional policing best practices and innovative approaches has also been undertaken.
Work planned includes additional interviews and focus groups required to complete the stakeholder engagement, including to engage stakeholders from Mountain View County and Cremona.
A provincial grant is being used to fund the study, which is expected to be completed sometime this fall.