INNISFAIL – The town has made firm COVID-related decisions for users and spectators at the Innisfail Aquatic Centre and anyone over the age of 18 must provide proof of vaccination before entering the facility.
“The course we have chosen is to try to keep the facility available to as many possible users as we can. If they want to participate in an activity in the pool and they’re over the age of 18 they will have to provide proof of vaccination,” said Meghan Jenkins, the town’s director of community services.
She added there is one exception for adults that will permit them entry into the facility without providing proof of vaccination, negative test or an exemption.
“We are discouraging spectators but if they are spectators associated with a child participant eight or under, we won’t be requiring proof (of vaccination) from those parents,” said Jenkins. “So, if parents need to come in and help children change for lessons or if they feel they need to be in the facility for those lessons, that will be permitted.”
In a news release issued on Sept. 23, the town said masking is required in all areas of the pool with the exception of the pool and pool deck. Due to the provincial physical distancing requirements, capacity in the viewing area is limited and spectators at the facility are “discouraged”, said the release.
Early last week senior town staff attempted to get more clarity from the province on the Sept. 15 announcement of increased pandemic measures to combat the surging number of delta variant-driven COVID-19 cases.
With the town now having a COVID-related plan in place for the Innisfail Aquatic Centre, staff is still working on another for adult programming at the Arena.
Jenkins said there is now youth programming in place but details still need to be worked out for adult activities, which includes the planned Innisfail Eagles mens’ hockey season, once the second ice surface is ready.
“We have a little bit of time to formulate the protocol at the Arena,” said Jenkins, noting the Eagles regular season doesn’t typically start until the third week of October.
Below is the new entry plan for users of the Innisfail Aquatic Centre that town senior staff created last week to comply with the latest provincial COVID-related restrictions.
• Tot Swim – No proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption required for adults directly participating with a child.
• Lessons – no restrictions on participants under the age of 18. Spectators are discouraged. Parents of children eight years and under are permitted into the facility without providing proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption. All spectators will be required to remain masked and physically distanced at all times.
• Lane swim, Aquafit, Deep water Aquafit (primarily adult programming) – proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption to be provided prior to entering the facility for all participants over 18 years of age. No spectators.
• Public swim and private rentals – proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption to be provided prior to entering the facility for all participants over 18 years of age. Spectators are discouraged and will be required to provide proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption.
• Water Polo – Spectators are discouraged and are to provide proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption to remain in the building.
• Kayak Polo – proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption to be provided prior to entering the facility for all participants over 18 years of age. Spectators are discouraged and will be required to provide proof of vaccination, negative test or exemption.
To review any of the current provincial health restrictions in effect, citizens can visit the Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 website at: