About 1,930 kilograms of agricultural plastics were collected for recycling during the one-day Ag Plastics Round-Up held Saturday, July 9 at the Sundre Waste Transfer Station.The event was a success, said Don Reid of the Mountain View Regional Waste Commission.矛Being that it was on such short notice, I'm reasonably happy. I wasn't ecstatic about how few people showed up, but I was pretty excited that we wound up with two tonnes from that many people.卯Ten agricultural producers took advantage of the opportunity, and all of them walked away with a $100 incentive cheque from Mountain View County's agricultural services department for their contributions of farm plastics.The program's goal was to raise awareness of the incentive program, which keeps plastics out of landfills and burning barrels, and sustainable ag specialist Amber Hines from MVC feels it was achieved.Reid is optimistic about the future of the farm plastics recycling program.矛I don't think we've touched the tip of the iceberg yet. This is cattle and hay country. We haven't even begun to collect.卯Though recycling of farm plastics is available year-round at the Olds Waste Transfer Station, the recycling incentive program will continue until October 29, or until 100 participants have claimed incentive cheques.