West Central Alberta dog and cat owners are being asked to check their pets for ticks after several animals in the province tested positive for the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.Alberta Agriculture said five animals 帽 four dogs and a cat 帽 have recently tested positive for the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria.矛The Lyme disease can affect both people and pets,卯 said Sundre veterinarian Dr. Michael Wilson. 矛Two things can happen. The tick can obviously get off the pet and onto you and infect you if it is infected. And it can also make the animal sick. It can give you a wide range of symptoms.卯In a news bulletin Dr. Gerald Hauer, the top veterinarian in the province, added: 矛It is important for pet owners to inspect their animals for ticks, especially after they've visited areas where ticks are, such as grassy fields and wooded areas.矛Ticks that carry Lyme disease are rarely found in Alberta, however, Agriculture and Rural Development is continuing to monitor the situation and is trying to determine whether or not the ticks that carry Lyme disease are established in the province.卯The ticks are small external parasites that attach themselves directly to the skin. A bite by an infected tick can cause illness in humans, wildlife and domestic animals if the tick remains attached for longer than 24 hours.In humans, the disease is recognized as a circular, red rash starting at the tick bite three to 30 days after the bite occurs. The rash may be accompanied by fever, chills, headache, fatigue and swollen lymph glands.The disease results in neurological and muscular problems weeks or months after the original infection, and in more serious cases can lead to recurrent meningitis, heart problems and arthritis.A veterinarian can provide advice on how to remove ticks from pets and can prescribe treatment for the pet if necessary.Wilson said there is a pour-on solution that can be applied to dogs and cats to kill ticks. The solution is available at vet clinics.矛You can actually protect your pets from the ticks,卯 he said, noting there is also a vaccine available for Lyme disease in pets.Although there have been no reported human cases of Lyme disease in Alberta since 2008, there were 20 human cases in the province between 1989 and 2008.矛Lyme disease can be a serious condition if it's not detected early and is left untreated,卯 said Dr. Andre Corriveau, Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health. 矛Your best defence against Lyme disease is prevention. Everyone should use insect repellent and cover up when walking in tall grass, woods or brush to avoid being bitten by ticks.卯Alberta Agriculture is asking pet owners who find ticks on their animals to contact a local veterinarian so the ticks can be identified and collected for testing.