“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13
Remembrance Day is Nov. 11, a day set aside to remember. Remember what? To remember the men and women who laid down their lives, that we might live our lives to the fullest and enjoy freedom.
I just officiated in a commemorative service for a fallen soldier that laid down his life in the First World War. It was a sacrifice that went unnoticed for 96 years.
But we are the benefactors of that sacrifice, living the fruits of the heroic deed just the same. We have freedom of religion, freedom of choice, freedom of worship, freedom to live our lives the way we choose. We have abundant life and we can choose who we have to lead us in this wonderful democracy.
Thank you Lance-Cpl. Edgar Francis Medley, who enlisted, faced the enemy and paid the ultimate price. Can you truly be grateful and bless this hero, who loved you and me, to take our place on the battlefield so that we might live.
That was the First World War in 1914. So many have paid the price since that war and are buried in the rubble and dirt of this world. So what do we remember on this day Nov. 11? We remember that someone really loved us and cared about us -- our future, children and our loved ones.
We remember that we are living, moving about, travelling freely, choosing our government and educating one another. We remember that life is precious and that we owe so much to our fellow man who gave that we might have. I wonder if there is something we can do to show our appreciation.
How about loving our neighbour as ourselves? For example, we can lend a helping hand, or help lift the load they are carrying that causes them to bend so low. We can learn to respect one another and appreciate their gifts. We could teach our children and remind them why we have such liberties and prosperity.
Edgar Medley left his wife Maude, two lovely daughters, Kitty and Eileen, a farm and many friends when he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in 1916.
He went to war and gave his life to gain freedom for you and me, and that was long before we were even born.
Edgar Medley is a war hero and deserves to be remembered and thanked for his heroic sacrifice.
But there were many soldiers who died in the wars before they were old enough to live the life they laid down for the cause of freedom and liberty. God bless these giants, mostly in their teens and early 20s.
Let us remember and pay tribute to them on this Remembrance Day and do our best to maintain their victory, lest it slip from under us as a result of ineptitude.
When Our Lord entertains these war heroes on that great day, can you not hear Him say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the Joy of thy Lord.”
Yes, you are remembered.
Rev. Ronald M. Dowbush is an Innisfailian and the retired pastor of Parkland Community Church