Dear Editor, I am writing in regards to the article written about drivers disobeying road rules regarding local school buses in the Oct. 14 issue. I find it frustrating as a parent that our town council would vote to have our school buses stop using their light system within town limits.
Dear Editor,
I am writing in regards to the article written about drivers disobeying road rules regarding local school buses in the Oct. 14 issue. I find it frustrating as a parent that our town council would vote to have our school buses stop using their light system within town limits.
My children have used the bus service that picks up at the mailboxes on 65 Avenue. I find it very unsafe with the blind corner just before this pickup point as well as the excessive speeds people tend to drive while using this road.
I appreciate that the town has painted a marked crosswalk on the road that they have to cross to access this service, but wouldn't it make more sense to have a light system crosswalk at this spot due to the blind corner and dark mornings? We must have the money since we have talked about putting cameras on stop signs.
I am always frustrated that it takes a child getting hurt before the system is looked at. I have gone to the town over the past two years and my daughter has also asked the question to the mayor while she was attending our local Girl Guide meeting. We always get the same answer: it is an old bylaw that should be looked at. So look at it already!
No wonder drivers are confused about what to do when approaching a school bus, when the rules are not consistent. I think our town should obey the driver's manual and eliminate the bylaw that is causing so much confusion for drivers.
Sandra Prevost