Our society has advanced an incredible amount in the past hundred years. One of the ways we've accomplished this has been by instituting laws and regulations that serve the public good even though it restricts personal freedoms.
But we agree as a society that your right to express yourself or behave in certain ways ends when it interferes with other people's rights to safety and security.
There has been a lot of misinformation about wearing masks and unfortunately our own government was the first to lie to us when they felt it was more important to save front-line workers when it seemed there was a shortage of masks for them. President Trump then muddied the water even more when he made mask wearing a political issue.
Im not an expert, but I've been educating myself about infectious diseases for over 30 years. But I still won't ask you to take my word when it comes to wearing masks.
I will, however, ask you to please look to the world's top experts in infectious diseases for their best advice and know-how. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has some of the world's top experts. I encourage everyone to investigate for themselves what the CDC recommends, but, spoiler alert, they do recommend masks be worn.
The CDC has been around for 74 years and has studied the best ways to respond to all types of diseases, refining their recommendations to ensure it was the best way to proceed. They explain why masks help and how much they help.
Our COVID-19 rates in Alberta are at a very dangerous and critical point. Our numbers of infections can easily explode. We cannot afford to get this wrong. We've been lulled into a bit of a false sense of security with COVID. It's been around for many months and many people don't know anyone who has COVID.
But when infectious diseases like this begin to see higher rates, the transmission rates easily go into overdrive. We are right on the verge of an explosion of COVID here, and I'm very sorry to say that people will pay a price for not wearing a mask.
Worse than that, they may have to find out what it feels like to be the one who infected multiple people. I can't imagine how painful that has been for those who have already done that. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
We are all hurting right now. We're frustrated and so tired of this COVID business. I haven't been immune to it. I couldn't be with my boyfriend while he was in his final weeks from cancer, and haven't seen some family since last Christmas. I know we won't be celebrating together this Christmas either.
I was born in Olds, grew up in Carstairs, and have lived in Didsbury 15 years. I care about this community and don't want to see anyone die of COVID. So for that reason I'm begging you; please wear a mask and follow the recommendations for preventing COVID. I don't like wearing a mask. I doubt anyone does, but for the greater good I'm willing to endure a bit of discomfort. Saving lives is a good cause. Thank you for giving me your time.
M. Ketchum,