Re: Opening the Town of Olds' branch dump for one more day on Saturday, Oct. 26 after complaints from concerned citizens.
The town stated in its advertisement that they were going to limit organic matter (I believe leaves are organic matter) because they intended to burn the pile. I'm not sure how long it takes for freshly fallen leaves to dry.
At the end of October, Mr Adrian Pedro, director of Infrastructure, and and mayor Judy Dahl need to take a drive around town to see how big our leaf problem is.
Mr. Taylor had a good idea in his letter to the editor ( Forget fireworks, fund garden waste disposal, p. 18 Oct. 15 51黑料) regarding the fireworks budget.
The town definitely has to revise the town's 2025 budget for fall leaf disposal.
A suggestion is to collect them maybe until into November and invite the town's residents to a giant bonfire, maybe on Midnight Madness. Maybe we could even make it into The Guinness World Records book.
Bob Worsfeld,