I'm not paying my 2022 business licence.
In regards to January 2020, anyone who lives in Olds and has a business licence there was exempt from paying. The town called it a COVID licence exemption and they did not have to pay.
Anyone who has a business in town but lives out of town still had to pay their business licence. We did not get the exemption not to pay. That is very unfair. We should have been included. We pay $225 not $125.
Just because we don't pay taxes (to the Town of Olds) we should not be excluded and treated differently.
Some residential business owners don't own their own home. Some people rent a house, apartment, bachelor apartment, basement apartment. They don't pay tax and it's not added to their monthly rent.
All I'm asking is treat us fair also. I'm talking for the rest of us who have a business in town and were also treated unfairly. Give us the same break - COVID exemption. You do it for one, you do it for the others.
Craig Reid,
Mountain View County