To all farmers and farm supporters:
For those of you who did not attend the Olds forum this is what I wrote and read, even though it fell on deaf ears.
矛I am somewhat amazed we are here today having this conversation. In the election you promised to be a more open, honest government and yet here we are today telling you that Bill 6, which is currently unreadable, is being passed despite the huge concern as indicated here today by the large attendance.
矛You are not being open nor honest and you are here today listening but not hearing what we are saying. You have effectively become your predecessors in a record amount of time.
矛A truly open government can admit they have made a mistake and go back to the drawing board to start over with open honest dialogue. You were voted in by the people for the people so now it is time you hear the people.
矛You can provide all the statistics you want, but in my opinion they are rarely accurate, so pardon us for not blindly believing in your findings.
矛I cannot believe you have chosen this topic to be the priority with our health-care system in shambles, education suffering and the WCB program is not even functional enough to add a new component to it.
矛And yet you chose the farming industry to target with this unreasonable bill. This looks and feels like bullying to me.
矛You have been in government for a very short period of time so I cannot believe you have been able to research and make an informed decision in such a short period of time.
矛I have learned from my Dad, Jack Macklin, an 84-year-old retired farmer, that you must stand up for what you believe in.
矛In my opinion farmers treat their employees with respect and fairness that no piece of legislation will ever be able to replace. Life on the farm is a place where government has no place.卯
You will note in my address that I did not ask any questions, as I have realized they are either unwilling or unable to answer.
As you are all aware, the bill has been passed; no surprise there. I would, however like to appeal to all farmers and farm supporters that while we may have lost the debate, we still have a voice.
I encourage all farmers to continue to research; tap into your legal friends, your government friends and gain all the expertise you can to continue to oppose Bill 6.
A passed bill can be rescinded or at the very least amended to be a functional piece of legislation. Right now there are so many loopholes that an elephant could jump through.
I am also imploring all farmers not to bully or threaten, as this tactic never works. Use social media for what I believe it was intended to be: a positive way of getting information across.
However you may feel about the elected people in government, they are people with families. Please show our children how to fight fair, without bullying or threatening.
If you were really listening at the Olds forum, the government officials actually gave suggestions to get around this Bill 6, even though I do not believe that was their intention.
On a lighter note, maybe all Alberta farmers and their employees can just become one big happy farm family and Bill 6 would be just one more piece of useless legislation.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Barbara Maxwell
Huxley, Alta.
Huxley is about 26 kilometres north of Three Hills. Ed.