I would like to offer my opinion regarding O-NET and the general negative views that have been discussed around Olds over the last 12 to 18 months.I was one of the first users signed up about two years ago.After the initial installation of the fibre optic, my wife and I converted to O-NET from a traditional cable provider and in the process bundled telephone, Internet and television service to O-NET.We were very satisfied with the telephone and Internet service but could not get the television service to provide consistent PVR capability.As a result, I converted back to our original provider for television channels that we required PVR service for.Within the last few weeks, we have installed new set-top boxes on O-NET that now appear to offer all of the telephone, Internet and television features that we want for a greatly reduced price. My experience with the current O-NET offering is that it replaces the traditional telephone, Internet and television functionality at a greatly receded cost.It also allows future expansion through vastly improved interface speeds.I take great pride in the fact that O-NET fibre optic puts Olds in the lead in Alberta in Internet speeds.My wife and I also like the fact that when we call with a tech support problem, O-NET answers the phone directly, no 鈥淐ALL CENTRE."Wayne and Heather Smith,Olds