SUNDRE — In anticipation of next year’s construction of a full-size roundabout at the intersection of highways 22 and 27 and Range Road 54 on the west side of town, council set a public hearing date for a bylaw to dispose and transfer municipal reserve land.
Administration brought forward during the regular Oct. 17 meeting a request for first reading on a bylaw to dispose and transfer 0.049 hectares (0.12 acres) of municipal reserve along the southeast corner of a lot at the intersection to accommodate construction of the new traffic control measure that Alberta Transportation says will improve the flow of vehicles, especially for southbound motorists coming into Sundre on Highway 22 headed east through town on Highway 27.
AECOM, on behalf of Alberta Transportation, will be constructing the roundabout at the intersection and requires the municipality to dispose and transfer a portion of the municipal reserve lands, reads information from an administrative report in council’s agenda package.
As the opportunity for conversation and questions will come up at the public hearing, council without further discussion unanimously carried a motion setting a date for Monday, Nov. 14.